Fijian Made Criteria

Fijian Made Criteria

Fijian Made

For the use of the emblem to be used in conjunction with the representation “Fijian Made”:

  1. The good must be substantially transformed through a change in tariff heading:
    1. The definition to guide the use of this representation is as stipulated in the Customs (Budget Amendment) Decree 2010 which defines substantial transformation as: “Imported inputs of two or more items, each coded of four digits on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System which upon manufacturing or processing will result in a finished good that is substantially different from the original by virtue of a change to the classification of the goods in its first four digits of the Fiji Standard Tariff based on the Harmonized Description and Coding System”.
    2. This is designed to include producers and manufacturers who rely on imported inputs /raw materials for the manufacture/processing of their goods and products. A classic example here is biscuits, of which its inputs namely flour, colouring, etc. are imported under a different tariff heading than that of the final product, biscuits.
    3. For those wishing to export ‘Fijian Made’ under PICTA, 40% value-added criteria will need to be met of which FRCA has the mechanism in place to verify this.