Fiji’s COVID – 19 status – Hon PM

Fiji’s COVID – 19 status – Hon PM

Key takeaways –

– …We’re confirming our 15th full recovery of the virus, meaning only three active cases remain.

– Nationwide curfew remains in effect from 10pm until 5am every day.

– Social gatherings limited to 20 people or fewer.

– Gyms, nightclubs, cinemas and swimming pools remain closed, as will houses of worship.

– Contact sports are still not allowed to be played.

– Schools remain closed until the 12th of June 2020.

– Existing quarantine protocols remain in place, including for Fijians returning overseas. These repatriating Fijians will immediately enter 14 days of quarantine in government funded facilities. At the end of the 14 day period, if they test negative for the virus, they can complete their remaining 14 days of self-quarantine at home.

– Under the digitalFIJI initiative, a mobile app called “careFIJI” has been developed that will harness our phones’ Bluetooth technology to make any future contact tracing faster, easier, and more effective.

– A pilot programme for the app will be launched shortly. Tourists will be able to download careFIJI upon landing, giving them the confidence that Fiji has COVID-19 firmly under

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Source Fijian Embassy Washington DC