All of the fundamentals for explosive growth between the US and Fiji lie eagerly in wait – PM

All of the fundamentals for explosive growth between the US and Fiji lie eagerly in wait – PM

Bainimarama says now, with most businesses having re-opened their doors, Fiji could theoretically resume our role in regional supply chains from tomorrow.

Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama says Fiji is already exploring a step-up in our manufacturing and assembly capacities for those looking to relocate supply chains.

While opening the first Fiji Forward Roundtable Discussions at the US Embassy, Bainimarama says Fiji bit the bullet and made hard decisions early on that spared us a large-scale COVID-19 outbreak.

The series includes participants from the Fijian government, the private sector, the World Bank, representatives from the US Embassy, US State Department, the State of Texas, Australian High Commission and New Zealand High Commission.